- CarPC Forum
By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Sa Nov 05, 2005 - 12:59

Hallo Smile

Here are few snapshots of my system running with Linux.
The software which drives everything inside is home made including the interface.

The system first started in summer 2003 with a Playstation's LCD screen and an old pentium overclocked 133 Mhz.

It was hard to make it work but finnaly it worked, the first results were very poor with black and white picture then came the color
but introducing another stability difficulty.

anyway those difficulties have been solved to give this result

After time spent with experiiments at home it was time to put
all the stuff in the car.

I was happy with my thing in car, having music with a multi format able player then i had the idea to be able to stop my car.
There are not so much options, first started thinking about recognizing
dtmf sequences sent to a handy but unfortunately my handy was unable to recognize those sequences through it's port.
So no more options but using then sms.
Now simply sending a sms is ok but reading it's content is something else, more than that it's even harder to recognize the caller ID (i mean for a machine).
That's why i started again experiments at home till it worked fine.
here's the screenshot of what happens when the machine receives the sms.
The picture is too big you can access to it at
In the same time i made something to wear the metal bezel.
Ok don't laugh at this time i was with no more job, hard times so difficult to have a beautiful screen.

Now it was time to put some more software inside.
I wanted a voice synthesis, then i used the Carnegie Melon University
festival project.
I wanted also to have a gps so i started using GPSdrive but i had to let it because that there's no cartography library and the displayed cards are static.
I wanted too that the system was automated so i don't have to bother
with stupid buttons everywhere.

And finally here's the result with the multimedia player XMMS which was good for the task i wanted at this time.

Was it enough ?
No it wasn't as those little systems are so addictive.
More i had more i wanted. Why not now let the computer make some
monitoring ?
Yes good idea, unfortunately the Porsche 944 before 1988 was with no OBD nor pre-OBD so what now ?
I refused to accept the defeat and built my own system to gather informations form the car.

10 channels with a refresh speed of 5000 measures per second.
We are far best from OBD aren't we Frin

The first attempt was to get the air/fuel rate with two ways of displaying.
One with a simple display and another with fine curves displaying what was hapening to the lambda sensor in real time

And today ?
Today i changed every little part but this is for the next part...with still home made interface, with a home made kernel using another hadware
and new features included...

By: 0utlaw
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 3
From: n/a
Posted: Mo Jan 23, 2006 - 06:15

Hi Pierre

I see the complete system still costs 1.20 euro. where do i place my order. *grin*. Are you going to make the software available to be able to install on own hardware. Why do i ask, he says. I have a laptop at the moment that i want to get installed into my car while i wait for the cash to buy all the nice goodies. This has been something i have been looking at doing for a few years now. I have played with the Road Runners of the Microsnot world and would really like to get Linux installed and running.

Are you going to bundle your software with a pc or is there going to be a cost for this?

Love the new skin, very bright and chearful.

PS. i see your web site is a bit faster now. Super and keep it up man.


By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Jan 25, 2006 - 02:18

Hello Outlaw, i'm happy you weren't upset with my reply, well 1.20€ is actually for tests purposes.
Make the software available in a standalone way is not so easy due to the kernel and some other graphics features which are especially built for the M10000 Sad
We have tried to make it more standard using kernels as is but i sincerely believe it would not run on some other platform than the VIA C3, in addition it would be certainely some troubles with the graphics card which is again embedded on the motherboard and quite difficult to make work. You can believe it, it was a really painfull experience to make it work as it should, btw we have no options except sell a complete system to avoid people suffering due to the integration of the softwares parts and be disappointed. I rather prefer not sell at all than make it for an immediate profit and then have a lot of hungry or disappointed customers.

Why don't you try some specific distros like knoppix ?
It would be straightforward , at least they would be usable with your laptop and they are some linux frontends on sourceforge Wink
By: 0utlaw
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 3
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Jan 25, 2006 - 02:41

Hi Pierre

I am already using Mandrake 2006 on my laptop. I have Mandrake 2005 installed on my office laptop and Suse 10.0 installed on a test box (asterisk PBX and a voicemail system we supply). I can work my way through linux a bit. I am however not a programmer or even have the man hours to devote to getting a system customized for me. This is why i am happy to pay for a solution from say yourselves or I have been doing some research into my car PC for a while now, and was extremly happy when i found your front end. It is probably the best looking 1 that i have found to date.

Anyway, I will be keeping and eye on your web site to see when the shop actually starts taking orders as i will be placing 1 for a system. What i would like to see is maybe some options for motherboards. Like maybe the VIA MII 12000. I think the PCMCIA slot as well as the Flash card reader is a fantastic idea. When out taking photo's, one can just save them onto the PC right there and then (other avenues open here too). with regards to the graphics card. I am well aware of the pitfalls one would experience with a multitude of cards that are avail today. I am all for a happy customer. I would like to be one. Also wireless devices might be an option too. I have a few wireless networks at some of my clients and could make getting nformation on and off my system even better.

I hope that you do not feel that i am trying to offend you in anyway, if so, i am sorry. If there is anything that i can help with, please feel free to ask. I will do what i can.



PS. i have tried to register on your web site, but it seems that it is not working yet? might be intetional.
By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Jan 25, 2006 - 04:18

From 0utlaw:
Hi Pierre

I am already using Mandrake 2006 on my laptop. I have Mandrake 2005 installed on my office laptop and Suse 10.0 installed on a test box (asterisk PBX and a voicemail system we supply).

Ah nice and interesting subject, i also worked on pbx with bluetooth with the idea to make a kind of bridge between the cellular phone and the computer but it wasn't a good idea but i still keep an eye on asterisk.

From 0utlaw:
I can work my way through linux a bit. I am however not a programmer or even have the man hours to devote to getting a system customized for me. This is why i am happy to pay for a solution from say yourselves or I have been doing some research into my car PC for a while now, and was extremly happy when i found your front end. It is probably the best looking 1 that i have found to date.

Thank you for your comments and anyway bought from me or from somewhere else, at the moment that it's linux it can only be a good choice Wink

From 0utlaw:
Anyway, I will be keeping and eye on your web site to see when the shop actually starts taking orders as i will be placing 1 for a system. What i would like to see is maybe some options for motherboards. Like maybe the VIA MII 12000. I think the PCMCIA slot as well as the Flash card reader is a fantastic idea. When out taking photo's, one can just save them onto the PC right there and then (other avenues open here too).

Yes but till i don't have the VIA approbation, i can't publish anything, i'm discussing with them and they seem to be a future helping hand. I had few interesting mail exchange with them. About the photos, the obex protocol is fine to upload pictures from a cellular and for photo collection but it's not the only way, usb is allowing this too but i went more far than this. I thought about a security solution but not the simplest one which consists of simply taking pictures of the inside of the's far away from that but the idea remains...a surprise for thieves which i believe, they will appreciate Frin

From Outlaw:
with regards to the graphics card. I am well aware of the pitfalls one would experience with a multitude of cards that are avail today. I am all for a happy customer. I would like to be one. Also wireless devices might be an option too. I have a few wireless networks at some of my clients and could make getting nformation on and off my system even better.

I thought about it but here people are living in huge flats and it's difficult to use wireless as the cars are in the underground parking places but anyway, adding a Wi-Fi and Bluetooth is a breeze, i mean already used those two and it reprensents not a difficult to make them run.

From Outlaw:
I hope that you do not feel that i am trying to offend you in anyway, if so, i am sorry. If there is anything that i can help with, please feel free to ask. I will do what i can.



PS. i have tried to register on your web site, but it seems that it is not working yet? might be intetional.

No problem, no offense Terry Wink
about the site they are many fixes i have to do, didn't yet tried to order from the english part of it so didn't knew it doesn't works and i have a bunch of work too in the french part.

If you want it to, as it's not so fair discussing about business on cartft's forum, i leave you my mail adress :
Thank you for your confidence in this project


and sorry to have in a way polluted cartft with this thread which is not really a comercial thing at the moment but anyway i'm so little that it should never threaten cartft Wink.
By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Jan 25, 2006 - 07:51

Registration is fixed Smile
By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Di Feb 07, 2006 - 01:55

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last updates Smile
new skin which better complies with my car Cool!

And here the test demonstrates that even WITH NO ODB it's possible to have something nice, fast and efficient.
You may have a look at the rennlist forum (last pictures) to have the details about this little thing.
By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Di Mär 14, 2006 - 07:41

an overview of all the system Smile

larger picture > here <
By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Mär 22, 2006 - 01:43

The last release Smile!

the clim control panel

By: admin
Rank: Starfleet Vice Admiral
Postings: 463
From: Germany
Posted: Mi Mär 22, 2006 - 05:35

>and sorry to have in a way polluted cartft with this thread which is not
>really a comercial thing at the moment but anyway i'm so little that it
>should never threaten cartft
At least you will purchase the needed parts from us as a reseller ? Wink
By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Mär 22, 2006 - 09:25

Sure i will, i still need to wait 12 weeks to go before i finish my courses about company managment. As soon as i will get registered with my company i'll see your conditions. As i said before, thanks to for their professionnal high level with their customers. I'm happy with the transactions i did in the past and i'm happy with the today's service so what could be expected more from a company ?
By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Mo Mär 27, 2006 - 08:24

By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Mo Apr 17, 2006 - 07:28

Some news Smile

A twin camera system allowing displaying front/side or rear camera.
The rear camera is reversed, the front /side is as is.
My desk capture program can't manage fast enough to fetch the two video pictures in the same time, so i had to make a photo of it working.

here's the video, but please add some light on your own video player and zoom the video, i took this with my still camera which is getting worse and worse Smile
By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Mo Apr 17, 2006 - 07:28

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sorry double post
By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Mo Apr 17, 2006 - 11:16

when less light, the camera adjusts the level, one thing is sure, it's better with the camera than without.

Now that the software works fine,i have to make the full screen mode available et voilà, i'll buy later a specific camera designed for wide angle at least for the rear, the front may remain with an ordinary camera Smile
By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: So Apr 23, 2006 - 10:40

I just finished the interface for the software that drives my rds card Smile

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