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CTF400-S Timings for 800x480 on geode chipset?
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 8
From: n/a
Posted: Sa Jul 05, 2008 - 10:11

I have a CTF400-S and I have to make a custom driver file to get 800x480 using GeodeLX TFT Timing Generator.

Currently I can make a default file like this:

binary_file lx_800x480_custom.out
inf_file lx_800x480_custom.inf
disk_id "AMD Custom Driver For 800x480 Panel"
show_crt_modes 0
simultaneous_CRT 1

panel_width 800
panel_height 480
panel_tim1 0
panel_tim2 0
panel_dither_ctl 0
panel_pad_sel_low 0
panel_pad_sel_high 0
hactive 800
hblankstart 800
hsyncstart 824
hsyncend 904
hblankend 1008
htotal 1008
vactive 480
vblankstart 480
vsyncstart 493
vsyncend 496
vblankend 509
vtotal 509
frequency 0x0000008D

However this doesn't display correctly.

Anyone know of the correct numbers to get the correct timings?


By: admin
Rank: Starfleet Vice Admiral
Postings: 463
From: Germany
Posted: So Jul 06, 2008 - 12:04

Try these:

hblankstart 800
hsyncstart 837
hsyncend 845
hblankend 888

vblankstart 480
vsyncstart 495
vsyncend 498
vblankend 514

or 814, 822, 880 and 494, 497, 514

Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 8
From: n/a
Posted: So Jul 06, 2008 - 11:08


Thanks for the reply.

I tried both of these and it said "signal out of range" or similar. After trying the second set of timings I noticed on my CRT (which I switch to each time when it doesn't work on the tft) that it said the refresh rate was 87hz. Maybe this part "frequency 0x0000008D" needs to be changed also.


Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 8
From: n/a
Posted: So Jul 06, 2008 - 11:32

I actually had the "frequency 0x0000008D" part set to something else. So I tried it with "frequency 0x0000008D" with both settings and they didn't work. After using the first set of timings I checked the refresh rate and it said 68hz.
By: admin
Rank: Starfleet Vice Admiral
Postings: 463
From: Germany
Posted: So Jul 06, 2008 - 11:53

We get the timing from "Powerstrip"-utility.
For the first configuration I told you , this is the complete data in different
notations :

Powerstrip :
Pixel 33,6
H 37, 8, 43
V 15,3,16

Generic timing details for 800x480:
HFP=37 HSW=8 HBP=43 kHz=38 VFP=15 VSW=3 VBP=16 Hz=74

VESA detailed timing details:
PClk=33,60 H.Active=800 H.Blank=88 H.Offset=21 HSW=8 V.Active=480 V.Blank=34 V.Offset=15 VSW=3

Linux modeline parameters:
"800x480" 33,600 800 837 845 888 480 495 498 514 -hsync -vsync

Maybe you can convert any of these to your setup.
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 8
From: n/a
Posted: Mo Jul 07, 2008 - 10:15

With these figures "800 837 845 888 480 495 498 514" I can't get it to display at all I've tried different hex figures for the frequency and tried many different hz.

At least with the default ones the program automatically does I get some kind of display.

This is the program I use to make the driver file:

Do you think any of these tick boxes need changing to suit this tft?

Sorry to be a pain.

By: admin
Rank: Starfleet Vice Admiral
Postings: 463
From: Germany
Posted: Di Jul 08, 2008 - 05:17

This program seems to be responsible for interfacing an internally connected LVDS display.
I am not sure if this can work with an externally connected display at DSUB-15 port.
Maybe you can tell us more about the used system ?
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 8
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Jul 09, 2008 - 12:21

I'm using one of these:
By: admin
Rank: Starfleet Vice Admiral
Postings: 463
From: Germany
Posted: Mi Jul 09, 2008 - 12:41

Where can I download the program ?

Is it the same program with you generated the file in your first post ?
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 8
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Jul 09, 2008 - 02:27

The program is within the driver archive. In the zip file there is a custom directory. Inside that there is a file called "lx_gtf.exe" which I used to make the 800x480 driver file.

The drivers can be downloaded here:

I've only been able to get any kind of display on the screen is from just choosing 800x480 with the default settings.
By: admin
Rank: Starfleet Vice Admiral
Postings: 463
From: Germany
Posted: Mi Jul 09, 2008 - 10:58

Ah, forgot to mention : You can convert hex<->dec with Window's calculator program. Simply set it to run in "scientific" mode then it shows you hex and dec buttons.
By: admin
Rank: Starfleet Vice Admiral
Postings: 463
From: Germany
Posted: Do Jul 10, 2008 - 12:56

Ok, I understand better now.

Well, the key point is the frequency setting (frequency 0x0000008D)
When you convert the "8D" which is generated as a default with your program into Decimcal it says "141". Now I do not know what this value is. This somehow has to be converted now.
Maybe you can simply find out the right value with trial and error with values between 100 and 150 ?
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 8
From: n/a
Posted: Sa Okt 25, 2008 - 01:27

I never got this to work. I tried a lot of different numbers.

I have however found the AMD guide for making the driver file:

I don't know if this makes any sense to you. It's certainly confusing for me Smile

It looks like it's possible to get it working but there are so many variables.
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 8
From: n/a
Posted: Do Jan 08, 2009 - 11:12

I have had some spare time to have a long look guide for setting up the required resolution.

I have enclosed 3 of the pages which seem the most specific to figuring this out. In particular the frequency part.

On Page 21 it shows an example of the specification of a 1440x900 resolution. I figured out what some of these are from the information you gave me earlier. I cannot work out what LVDS Clock Frequency is. On page 22 at it shows how the frequency hex value is calculated from the information on page 21.

I hope you can shed some light on this as I am desperately trying to get 800x480 working as 640x480 won't run much properly.

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So Feb 23, 2025 - 09:22
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